working resume

  • Director General of Statistics, Safety and Traffic Office of the Road and Road Transport Organization (currently)
  • The general manager of the revenue office of the highway and road transport organization
  • Advisor to the Directorate of Highways and Road Transport Organization
  • Superintendent of the office of investment and supervision of inter-road welfare service complexes
  • Director General of Transportation and Terminals of Tehran Province
  • General manager of transportation and terminals of Mazandaran province
  • Transport Deputy of the General Department of Transport and Terminals of Mazandaran Province
  • Head of the Safety and Traffic Department of the General Department of Transport and Terminals of Mazandaran Province
  • Head of the Traffic and Safety Transportation Department of the General Department of Transportation and Terminals of Mazandaran Province
  • Head of the Passenger Transportation Department of the General Department of Transportation and Terminals of Tehran Province
  • Official recruitment in the General Department of Transportation and Terminals of Mazandaran Province
  • Transportation consultant of the first term of the Islamic Council of Babol
  • Transportation consultant of Ghaemshahr municipality
  • Member of the Board of Directors of Babol City Taxi
  • Member of the Board of Directors of Babol City Bus Organization